Saturday 13 September 2014

Is it God-Made or Man-Made Divide?

In discussions of socio-economic disparity and injustice, sometimes the privileged people argu that its God created divide!! Well, I don't disagree with the fact that God has created some disparities to test us but I believe that
current day's appalling scenario is a Man-Made divide!

To God, every single human is equal without any discrimination of gender, ethnicity, race, color, family background, etc leaving the piety apart. Even if God has created some disparities than He has also given a robust system in which everyone gets enough with level playing field and respect. God gives people abilities to balance out the system but lack of meritocracy or nepotism suppresses the underdog and dynasties rule! And this vicious circle continues forever.... Eventually its Man's avarice which is the reason of mankind sufferings not God's decisions.
We commonly read a statement saying "The Earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to satisfy the greed of a few" and this also corroborate that its man-made divide. God never says life of a privileged person is more important than a less privileged one. He never recommended multiple standards in education and healthcare. He never encourages nepotism, corruption, materialism, individualism and so on. He urged us to be helpful, respectful, brotherly, fair, just, compassionate, loving, tolerant and so on.

God has given the man choices! Outcomes of choices are not actually God's decisions.

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